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Learn English

So you are still thinking about whether you want to learn to speak English with us or not...


It is time to read the details of why the "Callan Method" has been so successful all round the world. Don't take our word for it. Go to Our School to see what some of our clients had to say.



Stop studying, and start learning with guaranteed results!

Guaranteed results mean you can relax knowing that you simply cannot fail. The "Callan Method" is extremely enjoyable, as all learning should be, from beginner though to the advanced levels. You start with speaking simple sentences at natural speed using the "Callan Method", after you are comfortable with the new sentence structures you will quickly advance to learn how to use more and more complex sentence structures. At the same time you will be learning the common spoken phrases native people use. The lessons are demanding, but enjoyable.

Anchor 4
Understanding the science behind Spoken English


What some teachers fail to explain to their students is that reading and writing are completely different skills from speaking and comprehension. Both reading and writing are intellectual skill whilst speaking and comprehension are mechanical skills. The two examples below demonstrate exactly what the difference is:


We learn how to swim with practice. We don't learn how to swim from reading a book. If we read a book about how to swim, when we get into the water we will sink to the bottom because reading is intellectual, it cannot help us learn a mechanical skill. We must actually practice swimming in order to learn how to swim.


Riding a bike is the same. We cannot learn how to ride a bike from reading a book. We would simply fall off the bike. We must practice actually riding the bike to train our mechanical ability.


Speaking is exactly the same. We cannot learn how to speak from reading a book. It is for this reason that some students fail to make progress with their spoken English, even when their reading and writing skills are advanced. The Callan Method allows the student to constantly speak. Training their speaking skills as they learn progressively more advanced English.

Anchor 5
Enlarge your vocabulary and range of expressions 


Expanding vocabulary can be a very slow and difficult process because


Most people think that they must sit down for hours and hours repeating and forcefully memorising long lists of new words, but this method of learning is proven to be slow and unnatural.
When we learn new words they are not automatically memorised. If they could be memorised, we would remember every word we read.

Why don't we remember every word we read?


Well this is because our brain dose not store information about useless things. If it did, sorting through the information would be a long and slow process and even doing a simplest of tasks would take a very long time. Before we can memorise a new word we must show the brain that it is a useful word or trick the brain into believing that it is a useful word. The "Callan Method" makes the word useful through constructing sentences. The words become progressively more complex along with the sentences. You can clearly see the word's function within each sentence. As you get used to using a particular phrase or sentence within the "Callan Method" you will be able to apply the new words with ease and because the words are useful in practice, you will easily be able to apply them to new sentences of your own.

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Stop studying the text books and start using your language knowledge in real conversation...

Learning to speak is like learning to swim; you can neither learn swimming nor speaking from reading a book, you must learn from experience that is actually speaking. Most students of English do a combination of reading, writing and speaking, however this is not the best way when learning how to speak. Studying the grammar from books might even be detrimental to the learning process of speaking, because the mechanical skills that need to be trained for speech are disrupted by the intellectual skills needed for reading, and if we begin to use our intellect when trying to speak our speech will always be slow. Native speakers do not think when they speak. They simply use a long list of phrases which they have become familiar with. This is where the "Callan Method" excels. Most of the work within the "Callan Method" are questions which the student has to respond to. As a result of responding to these questions the student quickly builds a large assortment of phrases he/she can use in general conversation.



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